Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A Pause

So I wrote this last night, as the day cooled down just enough for me to sit outside on the balcony, pen in hand with a breeze managing to move some of the hot Melbourne air, just pausing for a while.

The traffic slowly drives past, destination unknown. For me though it is the holidays, its funny working for the first time and coming to so many realisations. It actually does take time to wind down, and while you are working it is very hard to look up and see the real world, not to let human self-interest and work blind us. I ramble, but I am allowed, there are few lists and no deadlines at this present moment. These pauses are so necessary, in this crazy, busy, tortured world, to stop it all from being so overwhelming.

So, if you feel overwhelmed, pause and reflect. Feel the world around you, with you in it. Is there something beyond ourselves or are we each separate individuals, cut off from everything else? I don't know but its worth thinking...about this and so many other things.

Finally, enjoy any time off you may have, if you're feeling down or depressed for what it's worth I admire and respect you and I am sure many others do too. Every person teaches us something, to live is to learn, even if we are unaware of it.

Friday, December 23, 2005

excuses and holidays

Ok so I haven't posted for ages. What with moving house and dial-up, plus the business of this time of year I have just have not gotten round to it. I did even write down a post the other day, I just didn't transcribe it when I was next on the internet. Oh well...

It's really too hot to think of much to say, except, to everyone have a very happy and pleasant holiday!!!!!

Hopefully I will see most of you within the next couple of weeks and if I don't enjoy the summer.