Saturday, July 30, 2005


Its amazing what the human mind can remember. Just looking at a photograph and closing your eyes can draw you back to that place, that instant when it was taken. It feels so real, as if it was yesterday. Amazing, try it next time you look at a photo that really moves you.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Good week

I think the subject says it all. Not enough sleep, too much guitar, talking to lots of friends, work, baking, people getting back to Melbourne... A good week.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


The thought just struck me. I have friends. I know it seems like something completely obvious but think a minute longer...It is something we just take for granted, its normal, its human. But, to have people that like us for who and what we are, that want to talk to us, that care for us, that look out for us, that give us a push forward, or a helping hand up, that we respond in kind to...that is a truly special thing.

So, to all my friends, a heartfelt

thank you

for everything

Friday, July 15, 2005

Growing up

I guess it happens to everyone, but it still feels weird stepping back and realising that you are growing up and you never notice it whilst it occurs. You have let go of many of your fears, and found new ones, moved out of home, and no longer cling to all of your old beliefs and goals. Guess its just part of life, looking in the mirror, and wondering who is looking out at you.

But, a facet of this is drifting from your friends. It is so hard to stay in contact with everyone, people drift apart I guess. What did we ever do without the internet?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The wave of life

As usual any comments or thoughts here are my personal opinions. I'm not egotistical enough to believe these are new thoughts or concepts but all I can do is write them down, just trying to work out my own life. Just like everyone else.

So, I'm just noticing that life seems to move in waves, like a sin curve (there's high school maths for you). It seems like you have your good days and great times, but all too soon life drops down again. It becomes monotonous and you wonder, is there anything better out there? Is there magic, is there purpose?

My life seems to float along like this, sometimes it seems good, other times it just seems to come down and I doubt what I am doing. I doubt that I enjoy what I do, I doubt that I know what I want to do with my life.

Then, along comes some form of stimulii, a song, movie, talk with a friend, and I seem to re-engage with myself, rebecome myself. It kind of sounds stupid but I feel like when it comes to life our own worst enemies are ourselves. Instead of having our conscious and unconscious selves (inside and outside selves, physical and spiritual, call it what you will) working in tandem, supporting each other. It kind of feels like they are indifferent to each other most of the time, or even acting as a mirror image, pushing against each other. I guess what I am trying to say is that we get stuck in a rut so easily and believe there is nothing else, till something manages to shake us out of it, and just for a moment in time, we align ourselves in unison and try and live life.

Or I could just be writing this down in the complete wrong manner.

I wish that I could try and enjoy life all the time, try to strive all the time, to make the most of it. But who judges whether you are making the most of it or not, other peoples lives always seem so much more perfect, exciting, meaningful than ours, but are they really?

When will we ever side with ourselves?