Monday, August 28, 2006

Climate Change doco on Four Corners

I just watched a documentary on Four Corners on the ABC (it will be up online from tomorrow morning apparently, definitely worth a watch) and it actually did kind of ease my fears about climate change a little bit. It is still an enormous worry to our world but there are a lot of options been investigated. The biggest fear is that Australia really lacks leadership. We should invest heavily in these technologies and become a world leader in them. That would provide us with a high-tech export, to go with the moral obligations that go with exporting such a polluting material as coal. Yet, our leaders in Canberra won't take a principled stand, too busy protecting their own vote. It seems like they are willing to make the next generation pay for their inaction, their lack of vision.

I am so fed up with it. Just watching our leader engage in political speak to deny everything when business is crying out for leadership makes me want to scream. Just take a stand and put real money into the issue. We may be a bit player but that doesn't mean we have to become international pariahs.

Hmmm...getting too polemical but sometimes the whole thing just makes me frustrated and pissed off. What can we do, is it a bottom-up or a top-down approach that is needed, or do we need a mix of both.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

just in case you are interested... from the production of cement alone, each year, 2 billion tonnes of C02 are released to the atmosphere

7:07 pm  

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